Wednesday 3 June 2009

The Beginning

Okay, even though it says teenage rebellion I'm not actually a teenager. I'm fast approaching the mid-twenties; middle age a century ago. The tagline more implies that our way of making and painting miniatures is different from what people would traditionally do. And it costs us a lot more as well; hence the overall name of the blog. That, and I wanted it as a tribute to Futurama (may it's soul rest).

I might as well take this time to introduce myself. I go by the name of infilTRAITOR on the interether and I am an avid Warhammer 40,000 fan. Have been since the 'bright' days of the early '90s. I spent the next 10 or so years doing boring things with my men until about 7 or 8 years ago when I decided to make some interesting things. Looking back on it now, they weren't that interesting but I consider it a learning experience. I have only been painting these things for about 10 months now and I am constantly learning new ways to do things. I dislike the more 'traditional' ways of painting, such as highlighting and making everything clean, so taught myself how to make what I call 'That Grunge Look'.

Anyway, I have two armies in the making; Traitor Guard and Chaos Marines. And before you say "He's just jumped on the traitor bandwagon" I started this a while ago. So boo to you. I also have a Necromunda gang in the making as well and will slowly post pictures of the progress of all of these along the way.

Now to some decent things. Over the last weekend I decided that I did not like the way my Traitor Guard looked. Red has been over done now by the hundreds of pretenders who think a simple head swap makes a Traitor Guardsman. I've studied a number of sources over the last few days and yesterday I created this:
Traitor Guard Test

I also repainted a mini I made and painted last year. Was one of my first real attempts at painting minis back then:

Before and After

I'm now in the works of weathering a tank hunter. It is a Kanonjagdpanzer kit given to my at Christmas by ChaosBubbles. Speaking of which, I will post some of his Traitor Guard WiP pictures later to try and spur him into painting and uploading some snaps onto here as well.
